报告主题:Coordination of multi-agent systems: theory and applications
报告时间: 6月8号下午4:00
报 告 人:清华大学孟子阳副教授
邀 请 方:“多谱信息处理技术”国家级重点实验室
Abstract:The study of multi-agent systems attracts much attention due to its scientific values and broad engineering applications. In this talk, we first consider some fundamental issues of multi-agent systems and try to answer the following three questions: (1) how much information exchange is needed for coordination of general coupled dynamical systems? (2) Is this beneficial if we add global information for local-based coordination algorithm? (3) What will happen if there exist relative measurement errors for coordination? For the first question, we propose a weak connectivity condition that guarantees coordination of general dynamical models. For the second question, we show that global information guarantees enlarged set of interactions and fast convergence speed for coordination. For the third question, it is shown that the final formation is distorted from the desired one and not asymptotically stationary if there exist mismatched compasses. In the second part of this talk, we apply coordination algorithms to two particular applications. One is distributed attitude alignment in spacecraft formation flying and another is set aggregation of multi-robot systems.
孟子阳于2006年和2010年分别获得suncitygroup太阳集团网址学士学位和清华大学博士学位。攻读博士学位期间,于2008年9月到2009年9月到美国犹他州立大学访问一年。自2010年至2015年,先后在中国上海交通大学,瑞典皇家理工学院,德国慕尼黑工业大学任访博士后,研究员,和洪堡学者的职务。其主要研究领域是网络化机物系统及其空间应用。近些年来,在SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, IEEE Trans on Automatic Control, IEEE Trans on Robotics和Automatica等国际刊物和学术会议上发表(包括接受)学术论文近60篇。 论文累计被引用1100余次,单篇最高被引用250余次,H-index为12。三篇论文入选ESI高被引用论文。孟子阳为第11批国家计划“青年人才”入选者,曾获洪堡学者基金,2011-2012年度IFAC Automatica杂志杰出审稿人称号,2014年度IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems杂 志杰出审稿人称号,第33届中国控制会议关肇直奖入围论文,以及第11届世界智能控制与自动化大会(WCICA2014)最佳理论文章入围论文等荣誉奖项。孟子阳于2015年9月进入清华大学精密仪器系工作,任副教授的职务。