报告题目:基于网络群体智能的智能交通研究 (Networked Collective Intelligence in Intelligent Transportation System)
报 告 人:虞文武 教授(东南大学)
主 持 人:曾志刚 教授
内容摘要: In this talk, I will address applications of machine learning techniques to intelligent transportation systems test cases. Intelligent transportation systems cannot be merely managed by human operators, as humans cannot control complex situations effectively. Therefore, intelligent control and monitoring methods are urgent, where "intelligence” is required to modify internal characteristics to adapt to the changes in the dynamics or in the environment. Four relevant test cases will be considered, where the need for such "intelligence” is crucial: use of adaptive dynamic programming tools to optimize traffic light signalling in urban traffic networks and adapt such strategies to changing traffic conditions; use of broad learning tools as a computationally efficient alternative to deep learning for traffic flow prediction, and as a way to fast reconfigure the prediction when new data arrive; use of self-learning adaptive control tools to establish platoons of vehicles in the presence of uncertainty in the vehicle/engine parameters; use big data analysis for ride-sourcing behavior analysis and prediction. Future works will also be given.
虞文武,东南大学首席教授、博士生导师、长江学者(人工智能);入选万人计划青年拔尖人才、青年长江、国家优秀青年科学基金获得者;江苏省网络群体智能重点实验室常务副主任、复杂工程系统测量与控制教育部重点实验室副主任、江苏国家应用数学中心核心骨干成员、网络空间安全学院复杂网络应用与安全研究中心主任; 2014-2020连续七次入选科睿唯安/原汤森路透全球高引科学家(工程学)。
主要从事网络群体智能分布式协同分析、控制、优化及其应用(多智能体系统、无人系统、智能电网、智能交通、物联网与智慧城市、大数据分析)等相关研究,Springer合编书和Wiley专著各1部,发表IEEE汇刊文章100余篇;Google和SCI引用过万次,SCI H指数55;30篇ESI高被引论文(学科前1%);主持国家基金委、教育部装备预研、中船工业、华为、国家电网、澳洲基金委等多个科研项目。
担任IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics (SCI IF: 9.112)、IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (SCI IF: 9.309)、IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems II (SCI IF: 2.814)、中国科学信息科学 (SCI IF: 3.304)和中国科学技术科学 (SCI IF: 2.302)等杂志编委;曾获国家自然科学二等奖1项(排名第2),省部级二等奖以上3项(1项排名第1)及国家一级学会科学技术奖一等奖1项(排名第1)、亚洲控制会议最佳论文奖等6篇国内外学术会议和机构论文奖。